(Some of the first cookies I not only made when were married, but EVER for Rocky!)
The month of February. Rocky and I have offically been married a month, and we are loving it! We have settled into mariage and a cute little routine of how things go. Go to work, come home, cook dinner, Rocky comes home, pray, eat, and enjoy the rest of the evening with each other. Some times that means watching American Idol and Intervention together, going for walks, talking about life, and the list goes on. I truly LOVE spending my evenings with Rocky. He really is the best Husband a girl could ask for and the Man of my dreams. I still sometimes pinch myself at how lucky I am to have him, and this is fast forward to April! But anyways, we have established a very fun routine. We want our days to hurry up and our evenings to slow down, our weeks to fly by and our weekends to never end. And we go round and round. I know,this is probably very boring to read, but I need to document these wonderful times and feelings I am having during this early time in our Marriage, where I can one day look back and be able to reflect on it. Ok, so part of this documentation is writing down the "Loves Notes" I find through out the apartment in the mornings. It's not every morning, but a good two out of three in the week, I open the pantry with a note that says, and I quote, this mornings..."I JUST LOVE YOU!" Signed, " HUBBY.". Or I open my scriptures one day last week to, "Enjoy the Scriptures. You are doing a great job. I love you to pieces. RW". And some of the other notes that I have found inside the fridge, on the front door, on the tv, throughout the house, include "Good Morning Sweetest Heart. I will be thinking about you today. I love you!", "Rebecca, I am so lucky to have you. Thankyou for all you do. I (insert heart) you.", "Thankyou for taking out the laundry. I love you. RW", "I am sad you aren't feeling well. I hope you feel better. See you soon. (Heart) RW", and "I love you. Thankyou for cleaning up. It looks great. RW" I'SNT HE THE SWEETEST BOY EVER?!? I know. I am sooooooo blessed to have him. And I just get giddy a little bit, thinking not only for this life, but for Eternity!!!!!!!!!
Ok, so I kind of got side tracked on our love notes and my brag session, and I would say it's over, but now I have to go back to February and brag about Valentines day. For Valentine's Day, Rocky blindfolded me and took me to the cabin on his parents land, when I removed the blind fold, we were there, and he had a cute little table with a single red rose, a red and white checkered table cloth and dinner set up in front of a beautiful fire he had started. Once again, He went another day making me feel like the most special girl in the world. It was great. He gave me a typed little set of "journal entries" of some thoughts about me, and cute stories and happenings of our life. I gave him a sweet card, and the Book of Mormon on tape for his dreaded mornings and afternoons of traffic. We had a great Valentines day.
Well folks, that is the happenings of February with a little mixture of the happenings of now, i.e. some of the love notes, and the bursting love I still have for him!