Well, it's been over a year since I have blogged, almost two, yikes! And I think it's time to admit, I'm not a blogger. I'm not even a journaler anymore. Sad. :( But, I want to remember this day, so before it gets any foggier then it is, here I go!
We were scheduled to go in on Tuesday, November 22nd at 8am for an induction. We all started stirring around 6:45am. That is, my parents, Rocky and I. My parents came in for the delivery. Surprisingly, I slept pretty good that night. I know it was the priesthood blessing Rocky gave me that night before bed. Before that I was a nervous wreck. I barfed Monday morning, barely ate any lunch, and any time I started thinking about giving birth, having a baby, changing my life, the urge to barf would come back on. But, after that blessing, I felt completely calm, and at ease. I still had moments of a queezy stomach, or "what is this whole mess going to entail!?" But, I had the reassurance that My Heavenly Father loved me, had a hand in what was going to happen, and that everything was going to be ok. I'm so thankful for priesthood blessings! So, I slept really well that night. Before bed, I enjoyed a nice long bubble bath, washed my hair, shaved my legs, contemplated that that would possibly be the last uninterrupted bath I would take in a long time..spent some last minute quality time with Rocky and enjoyed one last night of uninterrupted sleep. I'm still trying to get that back. :) When morning came, I got ready, and we left for the hospital. My parents followed us there. From that point on, it actually went really fast. I was expecting a much more drawn out process. But no, arrrived. Told them my name, my Labor and Delivery nurse met me, showed us to my room, I put my gown on, got in the bed and the dr was in the room in less than 10 minutes, maybe 8:30am? And out in 5 minutes! Crazy to think for 9 months, I prayed and prayed for my little guy to stay put, and the sac of water to remain in tact and in less than 5 minutes, with a small little prick, the ball would start rolling to get the little guy to come out! By 8:45am, the IV with pitocin was started and my cute nurse said, "you might start feeling the contractions anywhere from 15 minutes to an hour from now. You just let me know when you want an epidural. " 9am...ok ouch...this is like the contractions I had last week, that little bit of false labor...this is doable! 9:15..ok, double ouch!! Where is the nurse? I need something, feeling a little too much pain...she comes in, and I hear, "The anesthesiologist just went into a c-section and has 3 other women in line ahead of you. It will be about an hour." Que the lady in the next room over screaming out in pain and my nurse says, "don't be alarmed, she is just about to give birth naturally." 9:30..I. cant. do. this! What the H was I thinking!? I NEED something, anything! And the nurse offers the beloved cock tail. I am not a drinker. Never had a sip of alcohol in my life. nothing. nada zilch. That was the most amazing feeling when those drugs entered my system! I was sitting up in the bed and all I remember is saying "good night" and falling back. From there, I will admit, everything was a bit hazy. I kind of wish I would have waited it out, apparently the doc came in with the epidural pretty quickly. Maybe 10:30? But I only remember bits and pieces. Things like saying, "these drugs are better then street drugs!" (note* never had street drugs!) "That lady next door is crazy!" I was offered a popsicle, which I accepted like a little kid, "oh, I get a pa-sicle!", and then I remember when the anesthesiologist came in, telling my nurse, "lets pretend I haven't had any drugs! Let's keep it a secret!" My husband tells me to this day, oh how he wishes he would have video taped the whole event. Swears he could black mail me with it. What he forgets is that I'm so blunt to began with that he can't tell any surprises. :)
think I stopped writing because my baby woke me up....well, I never got back to it, fast forward to 2013 and I have a toddler! He is happily playing in the porch in his sand right now. :)
So the nurse came in about noonish and said that I was ready to go, I just remember thinking,
"ok, so this crazy cocktail drug must wear off! I'm about to meet my baby!" I think I pushed for a solid hour then they gave me a little break and then pushed for another hour and the doc came in and with one little snip, and two pushes, Jack Reece Whiting was born! He weighed 7lbs 9oz. and 20 1/2 inches long.